Should I Be Worried About a Gum Graft?
October 4, 2022

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you—but your smile is composed of more than your pearly whites; your gums are also just as important as your teeth! That means if you’re suffering from periodontal disease, it’s in your best interest to seek treatment from your dentist. Depending on the severity of your situation, your dentist might suggest a dental gum graft as a means of addressing the issue—but if you’re concerned about pain, you don’t need to be! Here’s more about this form of gum disease therapy and a few tips for ensuring a smooth recovery process so that your smile is able to quickly get back to looking its best.
(more…)5 Things You Can Expect During a Dental Implant Consultation
October 2, 2022

Considered the gold standard for restoring lost teeth, dental implants are able to replace your natural pearly whites in terms of look, feel, and functionality. However, if you’re curious about receiving dental implants yourself, you might have some questions about the initial consultation. Here are five things that you can expect to happen during this visit so that you can go into the dental implant process feeling confident and excited!